Author Guideline


  1. EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah   accepts articles on  Sharia Economy, which havenot been published or are under consideration elswhere;
  2. To be considered for publication, manuscripts should be typed in MS Word doc. Format; using 12 size Times New Roman fonts; left, right, top, and buttom margin are 2 cm; 1 cm-spaced on A4-size paper; 4000-6000 Words in English (excluding References);
  3. Articles will be reviewed by subject reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit articles for format consistency without altering the substance;
  4. Articles are to be written in essay style with a subheading for each part, except for the introduction. The subheading system is as follows:


Level Two : Capitals-lowercase, Bold, Left Justification-Level Three : Capitals-lowercase, Italic-bold, Left Justification

  1. Non-Research articles should include: (a) Title; (b) Full name of contributor(s) without title(s), email address, institution; (c) Abstract (max. 250 words); (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction; (f) Body; (g) Conclusion, and (g) References;
  2. Research articles should contain: (a) Title; (b) Full name of contributor(s) without title(s), email address, institution; (c) Abstract (max. 250 words); (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction, which includes review of related literature and research purpose; (f) Method; (g) Findings and Discussions; (h) Conclusions and Suggestions; (i) References; and (j) Appendix, if any;
  3. The references should be presented alphabetically and chonologically, and be written in accordance with style of EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
  4. Manuscripts, as well as contributors’ brief CV, and a number of selected items to be included in the subject index (about 20 items) should be emailed to:


EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, ISSN: 2355-2735 and E-ISSN 2598-4276.  is published by  STAI AN NAJAH INDONESIA MANDIRI SIDOARJO